The school nativity in 2021
We all know too well how chaotic last Christmas was amid ever-changing COVID restrictions. Now that the festive season is…

We all know too well how chaotic last Christmas was amid ever-changing COVID restrictions. Now that the festive season is upon us again – and without any social restrictions so far – schools can put on a traditional nativity.
Unfortunately, coronavirus cases have been spreading throughout schools over the past few months. And with the poorly-timed Omicron variant, students, parents, and teachers alike are (understandably) taking some precautions. For the nativity, this might mean doing things a bit differently.
In this article, we discuss the state of the school nativity in 2021 and how schools can cautiously put on a good show!
What schools are doing and the current guidance
Amid rising cases, live-streamed plays seem like an appealing and safe option for schools. At least one in four primary school teachers have suggested that they’re planning to run online nativity shows this year.
However, it’s important to note that schools are free to make their own choices. In fact, the Prime Minister has stated there’s no need to cancel such events. The Department for Education guidance advises that in the case of large indoor gatherings such as a nativity performance, schools should maximise the flow of fresh air.
Enjoying the show from a distance
For schools opting for the digital route, it’s pretty straightforward to set up a livestream of the nativity. As most schools have the necessary IT equipment, they have the tools to put on a good show and broadcast it, too.
A possible option is live-streaming with Microsoft Teams – an app schools know almost too well at this point! By using Teams live events, schools can conveniently share a live video to computers or smart devices via a link. As long as parents receive these links in time, it’s as easy as clicking and sitting back to watch the show. This option even includes a live chat feature, so viewers can flag up any IT issues before the curtain’s drawn.
In case you don’t have Teams, YouTube allows users to live-stream videos which are only accessible via a private link. Websites such as StreamYard can also offer hassle-free streaming.
Some schools might prefer the straight-to-DVD approach. This involves a little editing, but thanks to technology, putting together a nativity DVD is a piece of cake! Schools can use their iPads to shoot HD video, and even incorporate tripods or microphones for a more professional feel.
At Utility Rentals, we hope schools, children, and families alike get to enjoy the festive cheer brought by a school nativity – virtual or otherwise! After a tricky year and a subdued Christmas last year, we’re all looking forward to these heartwarming shows – forgotten lines and all!
If your school needs to upgrade its IT equipment to support lessons (or future virtual performances), contact our knowledgeable team!
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