The benefits of supplying schools with Utility Rentals
If you’re an equipment supplier to the education sector, you’re probably familiar with some of the issues that prevent schools…

If you’re an equipment supplier to the education sector, you’re probably familiar with some of the issues that prevent schools from proceeding with quotes, whether because of a lack of funds or a shortage of compliant funding options.
At Utility Rentals, we’ve built a solid reputation on overcoming these problems, making things easier for customers and suppliers alike.
We’re focused solely on the education sector, and we’ve worked with schools for almost four decades. That’s a long time! It means we understand their need for up-to-date, high-quality products – everything from IT equipment to playground shelters.
And we know there are suppliers out there, like you, who have the products that schools want. From iPads and printers to solar panels and other renewables, you have the equipment, the technology and the expertise to kit schools out for an exceptional learning experience.
So, we make it our business to help you get all these products, and more, into schools through our flexible, fully compliant leasing arrangements.
What sets us apart?
Utility Rental is the UK’s longest-running school equipment leasing company. That means we have a really good understanding of the sector, and plenty of satisfied customers. Schools trust us to make their budgets go further and suppliers have access to customers who might not otherwise be able to afford their products.
With more than 150 pre-vetted education supplier partnerships, we pride ourselves on being able to source a wide range of products at competitive prices – removing delays and disappointments for customers and suppliers alike.
Crucially, we are also a fully compliant funder. All our leases comply with the Department for Education’s guidance for leasing to schools and are in line with all advice set out by the Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL) and the Financial Leasing Association (FLA).
We’re an independent company without any reliance on third-party funding and no expensive broker fees to pay. But we’re not just a finance provider. Our end-to-end customer service means we’ll work directly with schools to manage and maintain equipment. For suppliers, we take away the burden of chasing invoices and discussing upgrades – it’s all taken care of by our friendly team of experts.
Why do schools want to work with us?
Schools want to work with us because of our links to suppliers like you! They want to keep their classrooms up to date and their sites well-equipped. In partnership with you, we can make it affordable for them to access the equipment they want, through competitive prices and flexible payment plans, all designed specifically for the education sector.
We also keep things simple, making the whole process more efficient for everyone. We don’t carry out eligibility checks (all schools, academies, colleges and universities are automatically eligible for our leases) and we make applications quick and easy.
All paperwork is simple, clear and transparent, and there are no unwelcome surprises. We even offer bespoke leasing solutions.
And it’s not just the cost of the equipment itself that schools can spread. We make it easy for them to incorporate all those associated costs, such as installation, ongoing maintenance, training or insurance, too. Whatever the project, we’ll come up with a leasing proposal that combines everything into a series of affordable payments that schools can make termly, quarterly, annually or in line with an individual payment plan.
What are the benefits for suppliers?
Of course, all the reasons schools want to work with us make us attractive to suppliers too. With so many educational settings eager to access our flexible leasing arrangements, we can get your products in front of the people who need them – without delays caused by tight budgets and failed funding applications.
We deal with all sorts of projects, large and small. In the past, we’ve leased equipment for everything from a single appliance to a full playground refit.
We’ve built our business on strong relationships with suppliers and schools. For you, that could mean the start of a brand new customer relationship, or it might mean help with an existing project that has ground to a halt.
Perhaps you’re already a school’s preferred supplier and need help moving a proposal forward. We can easily step in to transform your existing quote into a school-friendly leasing proposal.
Whatever a school’s payment plan, you can rely on prompt payment once the project has been completed. We pay our suppliers within 72 hours, even if the school is deferring its payments.
What’s more, we manage all customer communication concerning invoicing, payments, end-of-lease options and upgrades for you, giving you a shorter ‘to do’ list.
How does the process work?
By partnering with suppliers like you, we can offer schools an affordable, convenient way to access the best and most up-to-date equipment available. Here’s how it works:
1. You send us a quote
After confirming the project’s requirements, simply send us a trade price quote for the full project, including a breakdown of equipment and professional service costs and any additional services such as training or extended warranty.
2. We send you a lease proposal
We’ll send you a proposal for breaking the project up into manageable payments – usually annual or quarterly.
3. We enter into a rental agreement with the customer
If the school decides to go ahead, we’ll send them an electronic rental agreement.
4. We’ll place an order with you
Once the school signs the agreement, we’ll place an order with you.
5. Over to you!
You can then deliver the project with our assistance.
6. We pay your invoice
No delays. We’ll pay you within 72 hours of the project being signed off by the customer.
7. Leave everything else to us
We handle all invoice processing and chasing directly with the school, so you can focus on what you do best: delivering the project.
Have a look at our case studies for more information about the many advantages of partnering with us.
For more opportunities to get your equipment into schools, contact our expert team today.
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