4 seriously handy iPad accessories for schools
Discover these super-handy iPad accessories for schools and make the most of this wonderful new classroom technology!
Lighten the load for students by swapping textbooks for iPads
Discover how swapping textbooks for iPads at your school could help lighten the load for students while supercharging your teaching capabilities.
Mix things up in your classrooms! Use iPads to try flipped learning
Use iPads to try flipped learning at your school; find out how this new approach can make a massive difference to engagement and results.
What’s not to love about iPads for primary schools and nurseries?
Discover the joys of iPads for primary schools and nurseries; how they can inspire your little folks and bring lessons to life.
iPad trolleys for schools: Do you need one?
iPad trolleys are a must-have for schools with Apple learning devices. It makes them easy to transport, maintain and keep safe. It’s a no-brainer!