6 things to do before schools break up for Easter
There are a few things you need to do before the schools break up for Easter. Use this handy checklist to make sure you don’t forget!

It’s almost time to go home and eat chocolate for a week, but there are a few things you need to do before the schools break up for Easter.
Trust us, the time will fly by, so use these tips to help you plan your last few days in the classroom and add a bit of Easter fun to your lessons.
Why is now a good time?
With all the recent snow, it hasn’t really felt like the time for a Spring clean. However, the daffodils are now out, and Spring is here so you better get moving!
Just before the schools break up for Easter is the perfect time to get your classroom into tip-top shape. You can even get your students to help you!
This means you can leave for the holidays with the peace of mind that your classroom is clean, tidy and will be ready for you when you get back.
It’s a really good idea to clean everything out now, because when you get back the focus will be all about the big exams in May.
Whether you’re prepping your students for SATs or GCSEs, you don’t want to worry about the state of your classroom. So, get started and make sure everything is done before the schools break up for Easter
6 things to do before schools break up for Easter
1. De-clutter the classroom
Too much clutter can be distracting for both you and your students. Take a look around the class to see if there’s anything you can get rid of. Watch out for:
- Bulky displays
- Piles of paper
- Broken equipment
This will really help you when it comes to tidying up later.
2. Clear out the lockers
Each year there seems to be a student who forgets to empty his or her locker before the schools break up for Easter. You then have to deal with a foul-smelling, mouldy green sandwich when you get back … gross!
Try to pre-empt this by asking your students to clean their lockers before the schools break up for Easter. Make it a little more fun by getting them to personalise their lockers as part of the task. That way, it won’t seem like work!
3. Gather up the iPads
Unless your students are taking their devices home for the holidays, ask them to bring in their iPads a few days before you break up.
You can then check them for damage to see if any need replacing before the new term starts.
Once the kids have gone home, put all your devices into your iPad charging trolley, then initiate an update to make sure you stay on top of security, usability and extend the lifespan.
4. Clean everything
You don’t want to come back to a dirty classroom, and if you don’t clean equipment such as 3D printers or laser cutters before you leave you could damage them or make them less efficient.
So, give everything a thorough sweep with your students and clean all the nooks and crannies in the classroom. Don’t forget the:
5. Make your lessons fun
All that cleaning might put your students in a grumpy mood. So, before the schools break up for Easter, try a few fun holiday activities to lighten their spirits.
Play Easter-themed games on the interactive whiteboard to help you work out how much your students have learned this term. Or, leave clues around the school for an Easter egg hunt!
6. Think about new school equipment
Is your classroom missing something or do you need to replace a faulty bit of tech?
The school holidays are the best time to install new equipment as it won’t disrupt your lessons. Have a think about this and decide which equipment could benefit your students in the new term.
So, there you have it; six things to do before the schools break up for Easter. You better get started!
If you need new school equipment, talk to the experts at Utility Rentals for information on some great leasing options.