Perry Court Primary School saves money on hand drying
By switching from paper towels to Mitsubishi Jet Towels, Perry Court Primary school have saved money and reduced mess in their washrooms.

Perry Court Primary School in Hengrove, Bristol aim ‘to deliver an exciting curriculum, enriched by visits and visitors, which is broad and balanced, develops basic skills and enables every child to reach their true potential.’ It is important for the school to offer extensive facilities to support this, in order to provide students with the best possible learning environment. However staff at Perry Court Primary School take pride in all areas of the school and are conscious about the impact they have on the environment. Consequently, Deborah Stephens, Business Manager at Perry Court Primary School decided to consider changing the hand drying facilities in their washrooms.
Deborah explains, “We chose to have Mitsubishi Jet Towel hand dryers in the student washrooms to cut down on waste and mess, along with saving on the cost of resources. However the cost of purchasing several hand dryers outright proved to be preventative. After searching the internet for alternative options, I came across Utility Rentals. We chose to proceed with Utility Rentals as their pricing was competitive, but also because of their brilliant customer service and seamless planning and paperwork.” Utility Rentals offer a wide variety of hand dryers by way of their flexible and affordable rental contracts. By renting, schools can spread the cost of equipment over several years, enabling them to acquire the equipment they need, without having to compromise on quality or quantity.
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