Your pupils can build their very own 3D printer, with the CoLiDo DIY
Help pupils to really understand the concept of 3D printing, with the CoLiDo DIY, which enables pupils to build a 3D printer, before printing with it.

3D printing is already an exciting technology for schools across the UK. But imagine being able to actually build a 3D printer with your students, before printing with it. Well, with the CoLiDo DIY 3D printer, you can.
The CoLiDo DIY 3D printer is delivered in separate parts, designed to be assembled manually by the user and is perfect for use within the education sector. After all, what better way to teach students about 3D printing, than to let them build one? We are sure that students will find the concept of 3D printing exciting, but with many students in one class, it may be difficult for each student to get the chance to use the 3D printer in the limited time they have with it. But by giving students the opportunity to build the 3D printer first, they not only have the chance to be part of the 3D printing project right from the beginning, but they will also feel a great sense of achievement at having built their very own 3D printer. Plus, as the CoLiDo DIY is very inexpensive compared to other 3D printers on the market today, it is a surprisingly affordable option for schools looking to acquire multiple 3D printers that perhaps have a limited budget. The CoLiDo DIY will help improve students handling skills during building, as well as their innovation skills when they go on to design their 3D prints, all whilst having fun at the same time. But, before you worry that it may be too complicated, take a look at the video below, which shows just how incredibly easy the CoLiDo DIY is to put together. And as the printer can be disassembled just as easily, numerous classes will get the opportunity to have a play!
But just because the CoLiDo DIY is easy to build, it doesn’t mean you have to compromise on quality. It offers a large build size of 20cm x 20cm x 17cm and can print in a resolution of up to an amazing 100 microns, which is the highest resolution among the same level of 3D printers available on the market today! It’s small and light weight, so it won’t take up too much room in a classroom and as it’s quiet, it won’t interrupt lessons when it’s printing. The CoLiDo DIY prints using PLA filament, which is great for use within a school environment, as it’s not only safe because it’s made from natural sugars, but it is odourless when printing too. It features a steel chassis making it robust, whilst the brightly coloured plastic parts ensure it’s attractive to students of all ages.
It you’re looking for a simple 3D printer as an introduction to 3D printing that will keep students engaged right from the start, then the CoLiDo DIY certainly ticks the box – contact us today on 01628 667373, to find out how you could rent the CoLiDo DIY for your school.