Increasing inclusion and diversity with iPads in the classroom
Discover how using iPads in the classroom can help improve inclusion and diversity at your school in this latest blog from Utility Rentals.

iPads in the classroom can help you ramp up inclusion and diversity in all sorts of wonderful ways.
Of course, academic learning is a huge part of a school education. But, learning how to interact with classmates (and, future colleagues) in positive, mutually-supportive ways is also super-important.
Let’s take a closer look at how iPads can enhance inclusion and diversity in the classroom.
How iPads in the classroom improve inclusion and diversity
These are three of our favourite ways iPads in the classroom improve inclusiveness in schools:
1) Providing additional support
A number of conditions can make it harder for certain students to learn in traditional classroom environments.
Even with your best efforts, dyslexia, ADHD and difficulties with hearing or speech can all create a barrier to learning. But, developers have now released iPad apps designed to make things easier for kids with all these conditions and more.
For example, text-to-speech readers have proven really handy for kids with dyslexia, and options are available for both primary and secondary-aged students.
Developers have also come up with apps geared towards improving time-management skills, concentration and attention to detail for kids with ADHD.
2) Levelling the playing field
Different clothes, stationery or technology can all cause disagreements in the classroom. And, with access to better resources, some students get a head-start in the learning process.
Giving all your students access to the same piece of technology both levels the playing field and lets everyone learn at the same pace. It’ll also help to keep any teasing to a minimum.
The best way to get on board is with a 121 programme, where all students access iPads through your school. Whether you take on the cost yourselves or pass on a discounted cost to parents, there are all sorts of options to fit your school’s situation.
US universities experimented with this approach and got a 97% favourability rating from students.
3) Working in diverse groups
We all look for similarities when socialising (whether deliberately or not), and kids are no different.
But, iPads in the classroom are the ultimate teamwork tool. You can turn up the dial on diversity by using iPads to set your students projects that require an epic range of skills.
Encourage them to reach out to their classmates and share their skills to achieve a greater goal. Once you start putting new links together, you’ll find students expand their horizons and are more willing to work with people they might have been reluctant to before.
And, when kids work together in the classroom, they’ll do the same in the playground, and eventually in the workplace. So, everybody wins!
Get set up with iPads in the classroom and put inclusiveness top of the agenda at your school.
Want to find out more about how iPads could help transform your classroom environment? Ask our leasing experts for advice today.