How to get students involved in lunch hour learning
Lunch hour learning is a great way to get students involved in school life and the curriculum. Here are some tips on how to make the most of it!

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Lunch hour learning is great for students. It gives them the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom, often without even knowing it!
By organising lunchtime activities, teachers can help students engage with general school life and the curriculum on an entirely new level. Now that’s got to be worth a shot, hasn’t it?
What is lunch hour learning?
The name pretty much says it all – it’s when students learn on their lunch break. This could be through lunchtime clubs, assisting teachers with their chores, or even whole-school themed lunches.
Lunch time learning lets students apply their learning to the real world, which often leaves a lasting impression and highlights any areas for improvement.
However, it generally works best if the students don’t realise they’re learning. Many kids switch off if they think they’re being taught in their free time. So, all activities must be fun and the core lesson behind them must be well-hidden for it to be effective.
Does that sound manageable? Don’t worry if not, as we’ve got a few pointers.
Lunch hour learning example: Themed lunches
Themed lunches are an engaging and exciting event for students. It brings the whole school together, and gives students the chance to explore other countries, foods and cultures.
Start off by chatting with your fellow teachers and school kitchen staff to figure out which themes are do-able. After all, you may not be able to recreate all types of cuisine in your school kitchen.
From there, create a shortlist of themes and let your students vote for their favourites. This will get them involved with the process and invested in what happens next.
Then, all you have to do is prepare for the big day. Get the kids involved by assigning them tasks that link to the curriculum (without making it too obvious). Here are just a few ideas:
1) Food-technology
Help your students research traditional dishes for your chosen theme and come up with a menu. Guide them based on the school cooking equipment you have, and emphasise the importance of food in other cultures.
If you choose, you could get some classes to whip up prototypes of the dishes that’ll be served on the day. Just make sure your school cookers are up to scratch!
2) Maths
Once your students have their basic recipes, tell them exactly how many students and teachers will be eating that day. Then you can task them with calculating how much of each ingredient will be needed for each recipe.
3) Geography and religious studies
The topography, climate and seasons may affect what food can be grown in your chosen area. You could use VR or an interactive screen to help them explore the area.
Some areas may have certain dietary requirements (kosher, halal, no beef) due to their religion. Get your students to explore these too.
4) Languages
This is a great chance for students to apply their learning to real life. Help them order food in another language and test out different phrases on each other.
You could even contact a school in the chosen area via your school iPads, and let the students ask questions to test their language skills and learn more about the area’s culture.
5) Art
Let your students’ creativity shine through by helping them make posters and decorate the dining hall according to your chosen theme.
As you can see, there are lots of ways to tie the curriculum into lunch hour learning. By getting your students involved at the beginning and letting them decide how things progress, they’ll really engage with the topic and enjoy the process.
Get lunch hour learning off to a great start in your school, talk to Utility Rentals about new equipment today.
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