Vending Machines

Banishing winter blues: ways to promote well-being for kids
This blog discusses ideas that schools can pursue to help banish the winter blues and ensure well-being for kids during the cold, dark months.
World Health Day 2019: A whole-school approach to healthy living
Support World Health Day and help your students reach their true potential with these tips for promoting a healthy lifestyle in your school.
4 seriously sweet benefits of vending machines in schools
Find out all about the many wonderful ways vending machines in schools could benefit your students.
6 healthy options for school vending machines
Finding healthy options for school vending machines can seem like an impossible task, but we have a few ideas to help you out. Bon Appetit!
Ensure healthy food and drinks are readily available for students with a vending machine from Utility Rentals
Vending machines can be used to vend so much more than just fizzy drinks and junk food and at Utility Rentals we have an extensive range of machines to offer…