6 tips for cleaning your school washing machines
Cleaning your school washing machines probably isn’t at the top of your priority list. However, it can save on maintenance and energy costs. Try it, today!

Cleaning your school washing machines might not be at the top of your school’s priority list. However, when those mud-soaked PE kits, dirty tea towels and other school laundry items come together they’re bound to make a bit of a mess.
Here, we’ll explain why cleaning your school washing machines is so important, and give you some tips on how to go about it. Sounds good? Let’s get started!
Why do you need to clean your school washing machines?
Some people think that just because all that water rushes through the machine, it can’t possibly get dirty. They’re wrong!
Cleaning your school washing machines is very important – especially if you want them to last.
Regularly cleaning your school washing machines can save on energy costs, maintenance bills and stop any funny smells from developing. That last one is very common in the case of front-loading machines, but it’s worth cleaning top-loaders too!
6 tips for cleaning your school washing machines
1. Check your instruction manual
Most manufacturers have very specific ideas about how you should clean your school washing machines.
Take a look through your manual to check if there’s anything you should avoid using, or if certain cleaning methods may invalidate your warranty.
2. Get into a routine
Cleaning your school washing machines should be a regular part of your school maintenance routine.
To make sure everything stays in tip-top condition, clean your machine once a month. Especially if you’re using it regularly!
3. Before you wash items, shake off any excess dirt
Muddy football kits are a big culprit here. They often have chunks of dirt caked into them. Give particularly muddy items a shake before putting them in the machine. This will prevent dirt from getting in, and reduce the need for cleaning your school washing machines.
4. Leave the door open
Let your school washing machines air by leaving the door open between loads. This simple step will prevent mould growing inside.
5. Don’t forget the washer lint trap
Most older washing machines have cleanable filters. Use a paper towel or small brush to clean the lint off the mesh. If it’s removable, soak it in hot water for ten minutes. This will get rid of most of the grime.
If your machine doesn’t have a lint trap, run a cleaning cycle to wash the lint away and check the water pump filter.
6. Get rid of funny smells
It might be tempting to use bleach to remove smells and mould from the machine. However, a far more child-friendly approach is to use items you’ll find in the kitchen.
Start by mixing 60ml of water with 45g of bicarbonate of soda in a bowl. This is the ‘detergent’. Then, measure 260ml of vinegar.
Put the bicarb/water mix into the machine’s detergent container, and pour the vinegar into the drum. Set your washer at the hottest water setting and press start.
Then take a scouring sponge, rub around the opening and wipe clean with fresh water.
That’s it; six simple steps for cleaning your school washing machines. Try them out today!
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