8 key features that make iPads the perfect learning tool
iPads are quickly becoming a part of the school curriculum, but what makes them the perfect learning tool for students? We took a look under the hood.

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Schools across the country are beginning to see iPads for the essential learning tool they really are.
A whopping 68% of primary schools and 69% of secondary schools use tablet devices – and iPads are their go-to option!
Why? Well, they’re just brimming with education-friendly features. Here’s a quick look at why they’re such a good fit, and how these new learning tools could be used in your classroom.
8 reasons iPads are the perfect learning tool:
1. Portability
These lightweight devices are easy to carry around school so can be used for every lesson. They don’t need to be plugged in either, so you don’t have to worry about students being tethered to one spot.
In addition, they’re quite durable – especially when used with a case – so can withstand being knocked around in school bags.
With over 10 hours of battery life (if used correctly), you can be confident your students’ iPads won’t run out of juice during the school day.
2. Highly responsive touch screen
iPads have one of the highest spec touch screens on the market. It’s highly responsive, and bypasses traditional mouse-click PC learning so students can see the exact effect of their actions.
They also offer the type of Human Computer Interaction that students are used to, so it makes sense to teach them with it!
3. Dual-facing cameras
The camera functions on these devices really help visual learners get to grips with a subject – and they make learning more fun!
With the front-facing camera, students can face-time or video chat with other students or people of interest. With the other camera, students can take photos of items of interest.
For example, if they’re doing a mini-beasts project, they could go outside and take pictures of real-life creatures!
4. Screen view
This is a handy tool for teachers; you can make sure your students are on task by viewing their screen on your own iPad. You can assess their online behaviour, and track their progress through an assignment or quiz.
5. Remote Control
Another teacher’s favourite, Remote Control allows you to launch specific apps or textbooks on all your student’s iPads simultaneously. You can also lock your iPad into a single app so they stay focused on their task – a useful feature for a learning tool like this!
6. 16 GB to 128 GB of Flash Storage
How much storage your school iPad’s is dependent on the model your school opts for. However, 16GB is plenty of room for files and apps used by schools. In the unlikely event that you need some extra space, files can always use the iCloud.
7. Access to learning apps
The App Store is a key draw for schools; there are thousands of learning apps available for different subjects, age groups and abilities.
You can even get interactive textbooks; meaning all the information is in one place AND you save on paper!
IOS 11 has introduced App Dock to make things even easier. Your favourite apps, recently-used apps and homework files are all accessible through the dock so you don’t have to scroll through lots of pages.
8. Security
Apple has one of the most secure operating systems available on mobile devices. This means your school’s data is safe and extremely hard to hack.
So, there you have it, 8 features that make iPads the perfect learning tool for your school!
Make iPads a key part of your curriculum this year, get in touch with the experts at Utility Rentals.
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Want to know how we could help your school get iPads? Click here for a call back…
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